Curriculum Enrichment

Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of enriching experiences and opportunities. A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning.

Whole School Theme Days/Weeks:

Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend and enhance the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer our pupils. These include, Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Day, Science Week, World Book Week, Black History Month, Eco Warriors Week, Big School Birdwatch, Fair Trade Fortnight, Walk To School Week and much more. 

Educational Visits and Residentials

School trips and visits are an integral part of the education of children at Barns Green.  Class visits are aimed at bringing learning alive and providing first-hand experience. We also take part in many extra-curricular outings such as “The Big Sing” and a variety of sporting events.

Children in Years 5 and 6 take part in residential visits. These are planned to provide new and exciting experiences.

Visitors into School & Workshops

Visitors have a valuable role to play and can contribute to many aspects of the life and work of the school.  They deliver talks, workshops and full day activities across a wide range of subjects, giving pupils access to outside experiences and expertise. Visitors provide a link with the wider community – children have the opportunity to work alongside artists, musicians, authors, health professions and others.

This year we have had a range of visitors to support the children with keeping safe. We have been visited by the local police, railway safety officer, Bikeability, Little Life Savers, Dogs Trust, SPLASH, RNLI, NSPCC and we have had a recent visit from the fire service.

We have also had some wonderful workshops and visitors to enrich our curriculum. Year 6 have been visited by two real life wolves, KS2 have taken part in a Virtual Reality headset experience to visit the Arctic and Mount Everest and all the children have had a visit from Soccer Steve.

In the summer term, Otter and Squirrel class are taking part in a wonderful experience as they are learning the djembe drums. As we have close links with West Sussex Music Service, all children have the opportunity to take part in music lessons at Barns Green.

Finally, many of our families have given up their time to come and share both their experiences and professions with the children to support their learning. Fox class has been visited by a bridge engineer, Otter and Squirrel classes have been able to ask questions to someone who has reached Everest Base Camp and KS1 have had a visit from a pilot and most recently Major Morley.

Eco & Environmental Work 

Eco-Schools is a scheme, which supports schools to raise pupils’ awareness of environmental issues through curriculum work and specific environmental projects.  Click here to visit the Eco-Schools website.  The eco-schools programme links to most if not all curriculum areas.  Many cross-curricular issues such as citizenship, enterprise and personal, social and health education can be tackled through involvement in Eco-Schools.

It is an accredited award scheme.  Schools who achieve eco-school status receive a Green Flag to display in their school.  Barns Green is currently working towards eco-school status. 

We have currently held our own Eco week where we had visitors from Sussex Green Living and Water Aid ; we took part in the Big Schools Birdwatch; took the Eco Warriors to the West Sussex Eco Summit; took part in bike/roll to school day to support sustainability; participated in Fairtrade Fortnight and had two Fairtrade visitors from the local community deliver workshops, and recently took part in Walk To School Challenge.

Charity & International Aid Support

Children at Barns Green Primary School are actively involved in charity work and fundraising for various local, national and international charities.  We hold annual events to raise funds for nominated charities: Children in Need; Jeans for Genes and Sport Relief.  Often children will approach teachers with ideas to further raise money for different causes, in particular responding to an international issue.

Global & International Citizenship

In our curriculum offer at Barns Green Primary School, children engage in a range of experiences that enhance their learning and raise awareness of their national and international identity. Whether through termly themes or when celebrating special days, as a school we have a commitment to both gender and racial equality.