
At Barns Green Primary School our aim is to provide a broad and balanced computing education, where children develop into competent computational thinkers and become masters of technology. We ensure that pupils develop a respectful and responsible attitude towards using information and communication technology, especially to their own and other’s safety.

Our curriculum is about being achievable for all. Computing at Barns Green is more than just equipping pupils with the statutory requirements but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. It is about diversity of cultures and bringing people together using technology in a positive way.

Our intent for the Computing curriculum are, through Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.

  • Every year group will build upon the learning from prior year groups therefore developing depth of understanding and progression of skills within the strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science.
  • Children will have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding using a variety of hardware (desktop PCs, iPads, beebots) and software that they need to develop knowledge and skills of digital systems and their applications. Using technology across the whole curriculum.
  • Children will have the opportunity to explore and respond to key issues such as digital communications, cyber-bullying, online safety, security and social media.
  • Online safety and responsible use of technology are topics covered in computing and PSHE lessons, assemblies and during events such as Safer Internet Day.
  • At the start of each Unit of Work children will review previous learning and will have the opportunity to share what they already know.
  • Teachers will have access to a range of resources and planning from Purple Mash where children can share their learning in creative ways.
  • Effective modelling by teachers ensures that children are able to achieve their learning intention, with misconceptions addressed within it.
  • For all learners to be ambitious and access the computing curriculum.
  • Children are given clear success criteria in order to achieve the learning intention with differing elements of independence.
  • Assessment is informed by observations during lessons, verbal feedback and pupil voice.

Progression Document Computing