Otter Class – Years 4/5

Class Teachers:

Teacher: Mr Griffin

TA: Miss Woods

Otter Class information:

PE: Wednesday and Thursday

Computing: Friday

Outdoor learning: Monday

Our class , in our words:


Year 4

Weekly spelling practice focused on a specific spelling rule. The children should complete at least one spelling activity that are displayed at the front of their spelling books.

Weekly times tables Maths sheet 

A times tables focus so that they can practise at home.

They should revise any of last week’s spellings that they made a mistake in.

At least three reading journal entries, detailing what pages they have read in the book and one reading journal task of their choice that can be chosen from the activities at the front of the book. 

Year 5

Weekly spelling practice focused on a specific spelling rule. The children should complete at least one spelling activity that are displayed at the front of their spelling books.

Weekly Maths activity focused on a concept they are learning in class.

A times tables focus so that they can revise at home.

A reading comprehension task

They should revise any of last week’s spellings that they made a mistake in.

At least three reading journal entries, detailing what pages they have read in the book and one reading journal task of their choice that can be chosen from the activities at the front of the book.

Upcoming Events:

Monday 10th June: Multiplication Check week

Wednesday 26th June: Open Afternoon

Monday June 1st: INSET

Thursday July 4th: Drumming Assembly

Friday July 5th: Summer fete

Thursday July 11th: School trip

Otter Class learning:

This week, Otter began learning about light. We conducted different experiments and made careful observations to discover new knowledge about light.

In Otter Class, we developed our sprinting technique. We used the ipads to time ourselves to see if we could beat our personal best.

Otter class were really busy making inclined planes and levers learning about how the Ancient Egyptians built their pyramids using mechanisms.

Each week, Otter Class have the opportunity to learn how to play djemba drums. We are so lucky to have a professional music teacher to teach us!

This week Otter class have been: developing the forehand and rally skills in tennis; celebrating World Environment Day by gathering and observing worms and developing their understanding of pitch and volume by experimenting with different instruments. 


This week Otter Class, were understanding how the mummification process works by comparing their preserved fruit with non-preserved fruit. 

They also acted out and learned about the journey an Egyptian takes in the afterlife.

This week, Otter Class was planting seedlings in our new, amazing raised beds, in our garden area. We will take care of them and hopefully they will produce some delicious vegetables! Also, we finished constructing our DT projects (making a sled). Next, we will test them carrying a load up an inclined plane: similar to what we believe the Egyptians did building the pyramids. 

Otter and Squirrel class had an amazing time at The British Museum. We were able to handle primary sources to learn more about Ancient Egypt and we were able to see jaw-dropping artefacts in the Ancient Egyptian exhibitions.