Curriculum: Intent, Vision and Values

Barns Green Primary School is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum.

Our schemes of work provide a curriculum where knowledge and skills are developed sequentially throughout the school from Reception to Year 6. We are committed to providing a curriculum that meets the needs of all of our children, one that excites and engages them whilst preparing them for their next steps.

Our curriculum vision & intent:

“We encourage all of our children to become confident, secure and caring individuals, who are ambitious in their learning, embrace challenge and achieve personal success.”

Mrs Newbold, Headteacher

We offer vibrant curriculum that builds sequentially upon prior learning and is ambitious for all. Through our curriculum, children develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life.

Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom, to ensure that our pupils are exposed to rich and varied opportunities engendering a lifelong love of learning.

Our curriculum intent is defined by six key principles:

We provide a rich, creative and challenging curriculum which is carefully adapted to meet the needs of all children.

Our curriculum provides opportunities for all children to be independent learners with high aspirations. Our curriculum builds on prior learning and deepens knowledge. We plan carefully to ensure that children remember what they have learnt. There are opportunities for all to experience success.

Our curriculum provides breadth, depth, stretch and challenge. We motivate pupils to believe in themselves and to be active in the learning process, striving to meet their own potential and building resilience. Our curriculum provides a wide range of first hand experiences and extra-curricular activities. It is designed to allow children to become critical thinkers and develop a thirst for new experiences.

As a school, we listen to our pupils and families. Every child is recognised as a unique individual. Children leave our school ready for secondary school as secure, caring and confident individuals.

Our curriculum celebrates and welcomes diversity. We ensure all children understand the contribution they make to their community and to wider society while supporting their spiritual, social and cultural development.

We plan for opportunities to work and learn together across the school and within the community. Pupils of all backgrounds are given the opportunity to achieve.

Our curriculum is designed to provide children with opportunities to develop personal responsibility and we plan for opportunities for leadership. We place emphasis upon communication, teamwork and recognise and celebrate success in everyone.

The development of our curriculum is a key school priority. Teachers have received training in key areas of curriculum change and are ready to provide meaningful curriculum provision that meets all of the needs of our learners.

Our curriculum values:

We have worked as a whole school community to establish the principles that underpin teaching and learning at our school.

At Barns Green our curriculum is:

Please contact us if you want to find out more about the curriculum at Barns Green Primary School.