Home Learning

Our strategy for offering homelearning can be downloaded below:

When a child is absent from school due to Covid their class teacher will phone home within 24 hours and inform parents of how to access home learning. Unless a whole class or bubble is required to isolate, we are initially directing home learners to the activities on the Oak National Academy. This is an online classroom created by teachers. Our home learning provision will usually be made up of a combination of Purple Mash, BBC Bitesize and the Oak National Academy.

Click on the image and select your child’s school year.

Year 4 example

You will then be presented with 3 lessons for the day. Some lessons follow on from the previous day – it is easy to click back through the days to find the first lesson in a series.

The tasks are self-contained and feedback is immediate. We would love to hear how your child found the activities – please send any feedback to office@barnsgreen.org.uk and we will pass it onto your child’s teacher.