Meet the Governors

Barns Green Primary School has a dedicated voluntary Governing Body that oversee the management side of the school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. We’re dedicated to helping our school run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.

You can find out more about how the Board of Governors is set up, as well as our specific roles and responsibilities on the Governing Body page.

Below are the details of our current Board of Governors:

Tom Plowman
(Chair of Governors – Co-opted Governor)

I have lived in Barns Green for almost a decade and am grateful to have found such a brilliant community for my children to grow up in. I currently have one child at Barns Green Primary School with another due to start in September 2024. I’ve been a member of the governing body since 2022 and have this year stepped into the role of Chair of Governors having previously been lead governor for safeguarding and health & safety.

I’m a strong advocate for education and opportunities for all young people and have volunteered as governor to play a small part in supporting the school and the wider local community. 

I worked as a private practice commercial lawyer for a decade before moving in-house in 2021. Since moving, I’ve worked in both financial services and telecoms.

Rob MacDonald
(Vice Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor)

I have two children currently attending Barns Green Primary School, and one at Playgroup who I’m sure will follow his elder siblings’ path! I have volunteered to be a Governor to play my part in supporting the school and wider local community.

I believe passionately that quality education is a right for all children and look forward to working with our school over the coming years.

I am a project manager and have worked for organisations in education, sport, and the NHS. I currently work for Horsham District Council in a strategic leisure role. 

Alex Nicholson
(Co-opted Governor)

I’m father to two children, both of which attended Barns Green Primary School and have since gone onto secondary school. I have lived in the village for over thirteen years and initially volunteered to be parental governor of the school to do what I can to ensure all the children at the School have the best possible start in life: this relates to the education provided as well as an environment that is caring, supportive, helpful and nurturing.

I had the privilege of being voted in as Chair of Governors between Autumn 2019 and Summer 2023, having before been the Chair of the Finance Committee.

I worked as an auditor in the Not-for-Profit sector, at the top NFP auditor, and with that comes knowledge and experience of auditing schools and other charitable bodies, which will assist in my role as governor. In 2021, I moved into industry and work as a Group Control Accountant.

Tracey Newbold
(Head & Staff Governor)

I have taught for many years and am as passionate about teaching and learning as the day I started. As Headteacher at Barns Green, I believe I bring both experience and expertise.

I have taught within a wide variety of contexts over the years and was even lucky enough to live and teach in New Zealand. Within West Sussex Education authority I have held a number of roles, helping to develop English provision within the authority and being a statutory writing moderator.

I believe strongly that education should be creative and engaging and that as professionals those working within school should have high expectations of both themselves and the children. I am proud to be the Headteacher of Barns Green, this is a very special community and I am thoroughly enjoying being part of it.

Dawn Martin
(Co-opted Governor)

I have been a school governor for more than twenty-five years. Initially for seven years as a Parent Governor at Itchingfield Primary School, where my children attended in the 1990s, then for sixteen years as Headteacher of West Sussex primary schools and finally, since my retirement, as a co-opted Governor at my local school, Barns Green Primary School.

In that time, I have seen many changes in the world of education and some things that remain the same! I remain passionate about the power of education to improve life chances and provide positive opportunities and choices for children. I’m committed to doing my best to support the team at Barns Green Primary to achieve the best possible outcomes for the pupils and families in our community.

Sue Whittle
(Co-opted Governor)

Unlike the other Governors, I do not live in Barns Green but have family in the village and often come to village events. Both my grandchildren have attended the school, one has now moved on to secondary. 

I am retired but for many years I was a headteacher in a variety of schools and also worked in the education advisory service. I enjoy visiting the school and meeting staff and children. 

Jessica Martin
(Co-opted Governor)

I work as a doctor in Surrey and live in the area with my husband and daughter. I’m looking forward to being involved in the school community and doing what I can to support the school to succeed in providing an excellent education for children in the village

Tom Bouet
(Parent Governor)

I have lived in Barns Green for nearly 6 years with my partner and (soon to be!) 3 children.

With eldest daughter is in Hedgehog Class, my youngest daughter will be starting in September 2026 and my son in September 2028, I will be a parent at the school for 14 years!  Barns Green is a wonderful community to raise a family, with the Primary School at the core of this, as a governor I aim to support this in any way I can.

I am the Managing Director of a Global Classic Car Parts specialist which is owned by An Employee-Owned Trust, with my day-to-day roll focusing on e-commerce, international export and human resources.

Away from work I am actively involved in Sports Clubs within the village.  

Adam Rood
(Parent Governor)

Adam is delighted to be a Governor at Barns Green, where two of his children are current students. From his days in the self-employment world, he brings some knowledge of safeguarding and communications. 

More recently, he is an educator at a sixth form with a specialism in teaching and learning and pastoral care. He hopes to use these skills to support Barns Green Primary Schools’ consistently positive trajectory and support the students and staff in their endeavours.

Simon Gale
(Co-opted Governor)

I have been a governor in West Sussex at various schools for over 20 years now. I have found the whole experience over the years very worthwhile and enjoyable. I have my own IT business and have worked for BAA PLC for over 30 years as a systems expert and senior manager. My background is in Engineering, Electronics and IT, I am very used to running large teams and budgets.

I really enjoy helping at the school, mainly in IT, Finance and Buildings areas, it’s nice to be able to add value in these very important areas for the school.

Richard Bates
(Co-opted Governor)

My eldest child has been at Barns Green for the past year and I hope my youngest will follow suit and join the school in a few years’ time. Although my family and I live outside of the village, I have felt so welcomed that I felt compelled to apply to join the Governing Body and do my bit to help the school continue to grow over the coming years. 

I am a Deputy Headteacher in a large primary school in Surrey and have many years experience in senior leadership including leading on curriculum, teaching and learning, inclusion and being safeguarding lead.

Gemma Lovegrove

I have lived in Barns Green since 2018 and I have twins that attend the primary school.

I have a background in veterinary and nonprofit sectors and currently curate content about advances in artificial intelligence to help improve healthcare outcomes.

My role as Clerk is to manage and record meetings and provide policy and procedural guidance.

If you would like to contact the governors or are interested in finding out more about the Board of Governors, please email: or