Fox Class – Year 6

Class Teachers:

Monday- Wednesday: Miss Bishop

Thursday-Friday: Mrs Nicholson

Fox Class information:

PE: Tuesday and Friday

Computing: Thursday

Outdoor learning: Thursday

Our class, in our words:


Upcoming Events:

Sunday 9th -Wednesday 12th June: PGL

Monday 17th June: It’s your move workshop

Wednesday 26th June: Open afternoon

Monday 1st July: INSET

Friday 5th July: Train workshop and trip

Friday 5th July: Summer Fete

Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July: Year 6 production

Monday 8th and Monday 15th July: Life saving lessons (TBC)

Monday 22nd July: leavers assembly

Year 6 Learning:

Our class science trip to Dell Quay. We consolidated our learning on classification, adaptation and evolution.

Our Bike and Roll Day

Congratulations to Fox class for completing their SATs – we are all so proud of the children!

Afterwards, we celebrated with ice-cream in the rain 🙂

Today Fox class made their own homemade bread we followed  a set of instructions. After we cooked it we compared it with shop bought (processed) bread.

We have been learning about ultra processed, processed and homemade foods. This activity allowed us to learn more and experiment with the food types and we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of each. 


Fox class took part in a workshop called “Let’s make a move” which was run by SPLASH

We are improving our tennis skills in PE

Year 6 Rounders

This week fox class recreated the Battle of Bosworth (1485) to learn how the Tudor reign began

This week Fox class have started their life-saving lessons at Billingshurst Swimming Pool.

Pirates of the Curry Bean production 2024