Academic Achievement

Key Stage 2 Results 2022-23

At the end of Year 6, all pupils are assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. Writing is assessed by the class-teacher over a period of time, and Reading and Maths are both assessed through tests.

We are justifiably delighted with our KS2 test results which exceed both National and West Sussex attainment figures.

Our 2023 results can be downloaded below (PDF):

Key Stage 1 and Phonics Results 2022-23

We are very pleased that our youngest children have all made progress from their starting points despite the undoubtable impact of Covid. We are especially proud of our Phonics scores which indicate children are ready for their next stage of learning.

Outcomes of previous year’s

The government did not publish school level educational performance data for 2020 or 2021. However, the school carried out its own assessments to allow us to compare data over time.

Year 6 Reading, Writing and Maths combined data over time

Expected StandardWorking at Greater Depth

Government school information page:

DFE School Performance Tables: