Squirrel Class – Years 3/4


Class Teacher: Miss Harris

HLTA: Mrs Nicholson

TA: Mrs Berry

Squirrel Class information:

PE: Tuesday and Friday

Computing: Monday

Outdoor learning: Wednesday

Our class, in our words:


Upcoming Events:

Monday 10th June: Multiplication Check week

Wednesday 26th June: Open Afternoon

Monday June 1st: INSET

Thursday July 4th: Drumming Assembly

Thursday July 11th: School trip

Squirrel Class Learning:

Squirrel class have been ordering, comparing and adding money this week!

Constructing ancient Egyptian shadufs in History and showing off our biking and scooting skills!


Investigating how shadows form in Science.

Squirrel class have been learning to read and plot coordinates this week. We consolidated our learning by playing battleships!